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1st Degree is selected to distribute new Paralyzed Veterans of America PSA with long-time supporter

Writer's picture: 1st Degree1st Degree

1st Degree, launches Stories from the Inside, the newest public service announcement campaign for Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Powered by PSAdirectSM, Stories from the Inside features long-time supporter Ben Affleck and shows paralyzed veterans in their homes with growing concerns about COVID-19 exposure, limited supplies, increased anxiety, and feelings of depression. With underlying health issues, paralyzed veterans and all people with serious disabilities, are at the greatest risk right now. Many are trapped at home and isolated because contracting the coronavirus could have deadly repercussions. These are terrifying times for this vulnerable group.

PSAdirect is an industry-changing, results-focused media marketing platform. Through this multi-channel distribution and actionable analytics, 1st Degree delivers targeted, measurable and insightful audience exposure to its nonprofit clients.

Paralyzed Veterans of America is literally the front-line warrior for our nation’s most catastrophically injured veterans to ensure they have a hospital bed if they need it, protective gear for their caregivers, in-home care, and for many, food on the table. Learn how you can help at

View and download this PSA and additional campaign materials to share with your audiences.

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